Friday, November 18, 2011

More videos?

You betcha!

When we decided to make the video for the track named "The Sickness onto Death Part 1", we also decided to make no less than three new videos in the process. The first one was unveiled last Friday and the second is being released right now! Check it out below!

The YouTube version:

... and the Vimeo version:


Friday, November 11, 2011

New video and t-shirts?

Yes indeed!

The date is 11.11.2011 and the time is 11:11 PM. We're releasing the first of three new music videos today! And then - as an added bonus - there are new t-shirts for you to buy, with a design made by Robert Høyem!

The t-shirts can be bought right here:

The video can be seen at YouTube:

... or at the sometimes slightly more stable video service named Vimeo. Play this one if you're interested in better streaming in Full HD.

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